Tuesday, 29 November 2011

aiShiTEru - ziviLia

Menunggu sesuatu yang sangat menyebalkan bagiku
Saat ku harus bersabar dan trus bersabar
Menantikan kehadiran dirimu
Entah sampai kapan aku harus menunggu

Sesuatu yang sangat sulit tuk ku jalani
Hidup dalam kesendirian sepi tanpamu
Kadang kuberpikir cari penggantimu
Saat kau jauh disana

Walau raga kita terpisah jauh
Namun hati kita selalu dekat
Bila kau rindu pejamkan matamu
Dan rasakan a... a... aku
Kekuatan cinta kita takkan pernah rapuh
Terhapus ruang dan waktu
Percayakan kesetiaan ini
Pada ketulusan ai... ai... aishiteru

Gelisah sesaat saja tiada kabarmu kucuriga
Entah penantianku takkan sia-sia
Dan berikan satu jawaban pasti
Entah sampai kapan aku harus
Bertahan saat kau jauh di sana rasa cemburu
Merasuk ke dalam pikiranku melayang
Tak tentu arah tentang dirimu
Apakah sama yang kau rasakan

Ulang Reff

Saat kusendiri pikiran melayang terbang
Perasaan resah gelisah jalani
Kenyataan hidup tanpa ghairah
Ou... o
Lupakan segala obsesi dan ambisimu
Akhiri semuanya cukup sampai disini
Dan buktikan pengorbanan cintamu untukku
Kumohon kau kembali

Kimi ga tauku ni itemo
Ki no omoi ga tsunagaru kara



nothing happen,, ;)
just fall in love with this song before he came....
simple and catchy indo-melody song...
indo plus japan i guess...


p/s: i don't need to wait anymore..
'mine' is already here.. <3

already in my playlist! 

Saturday, 26 November 2011

pRIce oF LoVe

" Have I told you already that I love you?"

"I don’t remember saying this to other girls except for the last 5 years.  now I would like you to have it ;)"


There is a girl who feel that she owed this guy one thing.. the thing that she can not afford to lose it actually... she knows how deep is his love.. maybe deeper than she thought.. but still, she afraid she can not do the same thing in return.  She is so thankful to have the love... it's hard for her to say I LOVE YOU too, but she wants the guy knows that, ONCE she said I LOVE YOU, it means I LOVE YOU...


when she said it..


Thursday, 24 November 2011


I think the 'critical' word is not the best word to put at.... in our situation...

however.. what is critical actually.. the word that came across my mind when writing the piece..

for me, it just... hmmm how to put it ya?

critical time we have together.... ?

I mean..

'the only' moment we have together..

does it count as 'critical'?..


when I think about it that.. yaa.. agree with him..

looks like our situation is bad.. like in a critical stage and need to be hospitalized.. haha..


ok.. yea.. maybe this time I did not come 'perfect'..

and he correct me.. ;)

nah.. is that what i need to improve my skill?..

and he agreed with mine too..

that, if we think critical in negative way, so it will..

how about critical thinking? critical success factor?  that need us to take it positively.. ? SEE!! it will become positive right? haha..

I don't know what I am doing right now.. thinking so 'critically' - again?? - in the middle of the night or just bebel-ling this and that..

ehhh?? where is he? sleep already? ..

I just wanna show him this...

err.. yea.. the word critical in that piece give a bit critical impact to him.. and us..
do you think so?

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

do yOu kNoW hOw to DrAw?

Do you know that I actually like to see you in those blue uniform?


but I hope you can cut short your hair..

because you can not wear that hat every time...

and some of my friends asked me to ask you...

about your 'drawing' skill...

since I told them that you are orang seni..

can't you draw well?..


Sunday, 20 November 2011

InTo tHe neW woRLd

the 'wajib' song for me to hear before working or to start a new day..
will bright the day till the end..Insya Allah..


p/s:  zaman budak2 snsd innocent.. ;P

wHo iS yOur HeRo

do you really realize that the hero is actually inside yourself?

YES! you are the actual HERO..

no one else beside you..

be strong..

come forward..

you know yourself

and you know how far you can go...


Hero lyrics

Songwriters: Kroeger, Chad;

There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are

There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

It's a long road
And you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold

You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

Oh ho, Lord knows
Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
Tear them away, hey yea
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time, you find the way, hey

credit "special thanks"

the song that always kill my sadness and emptiness.. bcoz.. I am the HeRo of myself!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

wHo iN my bOoTs?

Comel giler puss in boots ni, muka kesian rasa macam nak bagi pelempang pun ada gak.. ;P... sparkle gila mata dia tadi.. btw.. BESTSANGATSANGAT ok cite ni tadi,, berbaloi ar tengok.. g la tengok.. g larrr... ;)

hari ni kua mengukur KL dekat 9 jam! cari baju, plus tengok wayang, plus borak2.. senang kata, dating lar with Mr. K.. ;) kesian dia aku hayak jerk ikut kaki aku nak pergi.. bila dah pergi golden triangle tu tau jelar.. bukan cukup 1 hari nak cover... anyway, tadi focus dekat ts.. setiap tingkat aku try cover kedai one by one.. haha.. tapi best shopping with him... at least ade orang nak cubit kalau terasa nak beli semua baju dalam kedai tu.. haha.. and.. dia pandai buat pilihan.. and bagi pendapat.. of course.. :) 

EMM.. this is Kitty the soft paws.. she is the 'senorita'.. so sweet bila kucing bercinta.. haha..

tak ada ape nak bebel sangat sebab tengah penat gila... just.. Alhamdulillah tak over budget tadi.. ;)... ehh.. esok cuti lagi lar.. ehem2... Mr. K, jangan jeles, ok?.. neway.. thanks a lot to him yang sudi nak teman saya tadi.. jangan serik, tau? haha..


c yeaaa!!

credit: google image

Friday, 18 November 2011

tHe CEO sAid...

finally... got to meet the CEO yesterday...

he reviewed my resume and said.. lots people got anugerah this and that (referring to the ANC award i got).. and then pointed at me, CAN U SPEAK IN ENGLISH?...

yes, i can... and bla bla bla - trying my best to answer all his questions this and that to prove that i am capable to work at his company, even asking my HOD, that did i converse in english while working... (nasib baik memang aku pakai english pun cakap dgn ms. miza tu.. )

anyway boss, i work hard for that anugerah ok..?.. that is my climax satisfaction during my student life.. work is work laa... huh... tercabar lagi nehh...

Thursday, 17 November 2011


there was a small birthday party just now, held at my mak itam's house.. celebrating Aiz first's birthday.. HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY the little handsome boy.. ;)

and also to my 'handsome' man..  :P.. i miss you too..

this lyric i dedicated to you..
feel free to search this song by yourself.. haha..

Dan engkau masih menyintaiku..
Aku terharu sejuta rasa
Kerana usia mudaku membara....
Hingga pernah buat kau kecewa
Dan engkau masih memberi harapan...
aku terlalu nilai buatmu
Akan ku balas dengan setia...
cinta remaja yang bahagia
Belum tentu lagi cintaku terbeli..
Kasih sayang murni yang telah kau bagi
Fikir-fikir ini terbaik buatku
Aku sanggup bersamamu
Duniaku kini penuh bunga cinta
Warna-warni dalam kilauan asmara
Satu-satu jiwa terbaik buatku
Untuk hidup bersamamu
Dan engkau masih tulus menanti
Aku dipanah rasa bersalah
Telah kupadamkan sejarah semalam
Untuk aku tenang bersamamu
Dan engkau masih menyintaiku
Aku terlalu nilai buatmu
Telah kau padamkan sejarah semalam
Untuk aku tenang bersamamu

Lirik Bersamamu - Ezlynn @ Lirikami

*cant wait for this saturday.. hope to meet you dear...   HEART U..

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

3 dAys iN a RoW

3 days in a row.. i went to meet him after work...
and in this 3 days also, i feel little bit confused about working time and bus schedule...
not to be forgotten, the amounts of work i've been received..

emm.. perasan tak yang budak ni rajin up entry lately? ;) terkesan kes bunga2 cinta ke budak ni? haha.. boleh laa.. sambil2.. sambil tu story jugak pasal kerja, kan..?  aku sekarang ni tengah betul2 cuba nak fit & balance kan mental & fizikal untuk kerja dan social life aku.. kalau boleh aku tak nak la stay back lama2 macam kakak2 tu buat,, by the time being, maybe kerja tak banyak lagi, akan datang, tak sape pun tau.. tapi tengoknya tadi, macam bertambah2 dah kerja aku ni.. hurmmm.. but i'll try my best, kerja untuk cari rezeki yang halal and semoga mendapat keberkatan dari-Nya.. aminn...

kalau jadi sabtu ni nak beli barang sikit.. and.. nak ngedate!.. nggeeeee... gedik budak ni.. ;P


Tuesday, 15 November 2011

thE neW woRKing pLaCe


really tired to type last night about my first day working at the new company.. so far ok.. i managed to get there by bus and putra lrt.. yesterday, i came quite earlier so, i think area 815 should be fine for today.. i supposed to go back at 630.. but the 'kakaks; still doing their work, so i somehow feel can i go or not.. *confused*.. so, i waited for another 5 mins..then, i took bus to KLCC.. u know what, i 'pandai2' went to meet him.. hehe..gedik tak?.. ;P


i attended the morning meeting with all staffs and vice director .. and also get to know to each other.. at 11.. Ms. Miza gave me some work.. to retype some documents.. there were 11 pages of it and i completed till 8th page and going to continue it today until the lunch time.. oh, ya.. i got my own table.. of course.. and thinking about the decoration   ;P

so, lets look forward for today 'mission'.. eh, can i meet him again today? :P ..

we'll see..


Sunday, 13 November 2011

tHe fuTuRe duTies

having some preparations before going to work tomorrow.. i guess i found the valuable resource.. THE DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES! of the position offered..

kinda challenging and kinda 'little scary'... but, i will try my best and put all my efforts toward it.. Insya Allah.. i will work sincerely, for me myself, for my family and as a responsible khalifah..

thiNKiNg of hiM aGain...


spending my time after subuh prayer reading his blog..
made me think 'something' deeply..

duhh.. i don't think i can write as nicely as 'his'.. ;)
he got talent and i don't get surprise if he choose linguistic to pursue his study one day..
my vocabs are not as good/much/superb as his and my words are frequently turns up and down.. and now, i just type what i want randomly...

rasa tercabar ni.. haha..

well, tomorrow will be my first working day at that company, to be specific as Corporate Secretarial Executive - Alhamdulillah, i don't have to wait longer to get new job since 'the tragedy'.. i wish to have happy and safe working environment.  i wish they can provide me a good on-the-job-training.  somehow, i feel excited to start the new job, but on the other hand, i feel that, am i fit enough to the position or am i ready enough to face the challenges?.. (forget about what silly-things-came-out from my mouth during interview - and now i feel ...... ) *sigh... what i have done before?


hurmm.. i think my typing or thinking style is affected by him!

speaking of him.. the situation is going to be different from now.. but i'm grateful that i have normal working hours and can enjoy the weekend with him.. (perhaps.. ) but then, still have to find time for myself and for the rest of family.. i really have to.. i hope everything will be fine or else, i pray for Allah to give me enough strength to survive..

Saturday, 12 November 2011

WheN yoU'rE aRouNd

When You're Around

I took a book and turned around
Flipped through the pages and looked back up
Something else had caught my eyes
It was you

Your pretty smile, a welcoming sight
Your presence brought me to the other side
Even the timing has always been right
When there was you

When you're gone I'm feeling a little lonely
I've been waiting since you're gone
Away from here
Since October

I can't help it no matter how I tried
Been in misery, only God knows
How does it feel
When you're not here

Found your numbers and I give it a try
Feeling anxious, waiting for a reply
And when you did
God knows how I feel...

K & A <3 11/11/11


isn't that sweet?
Gosh.. i'm blushing right now....
and.. haruslar happy kan?
hikhik.. (ketawa sopan).. 
he is so sweet.. 
Thanks love..

credit to: MyK#@!R

Friday, 11 November 2011

RezEki TariKh bERtuah 11

sebelum 11/11/11 melabuhkan tirai, aku berasa sangat bersyukur ke hadrat Allah kerana tak sampai beberapa jam selepas previous entry aku dapat panggilan diterima bekerja daripada company yang aku pergi interview pagi tadi.. ;) Ya Allah memang besar kekuasaan-Mu, rasa bersyukur sangat2.. ;) ;) ;)

ada sebab kan untuk aku betul2 gembira hari ni.. yeah, as i mentioned earlier via fb, today is really my lucky date.. (sampai 2 posts sekali amekkaw.. ).. haha.. Alhamdulillah.. peluang kembali terbentang tinggal aku yang perlu berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk mengemudi haluannya...

Allahuakbar.. ;)

reZEki tariKH berTuaH


oh, tadi aku pergi interview kat Ampang, seronoknya lah hai kakak2 4 orang tuh interview aku sampai jadi confuse nak jawab mane satu, boleh tak aku jadi gila sikit hari ni, main bedal belasah jek jawab.  mula2 dua orang, lepas tu masuk lagi sorang, lepas tu tambah lagi sorang, seronok betul yer kak?... maybe hari ni diorang takde keje kot.. haha..

tapi betullah, dalam banyak2 soalan, bila dia tanya tak nak masuk gomen ke tak, tu lah satu benda yang aku sangat susah nak jawab.. memang haru betul....

so, officially here, aku tak dapat kerja kat shah alam tu sebenarnya.. adalah.. adalah .. ada sebab di sebalik ceritanya.  benda betul kan, tak patut la nak disorok.  daripada fikir sebab nak bagitau orang, Allah permudahkan jalan pada aku dengan bagi aku peluang untuk rezeki yang lain, kalau diterima lagilah aku bersyukur sangat.  kelmarin, memang kepala pusing sikit, tapi Allah lagi sekali bagi aku peluang yang buat aku lega tak sudah and nampak jalan keluar dan punca penyelesaian masalah kami, Alhamdulillah... ;)

masa depan memang tak boleh nak jangka, yang boleh dilakukan hari ini hanya terus berusaha dan bertawakal. Insya Allah rezeki takkan ke mana..

thus, i guess today is my lucky date - 111111 - even actually aku suka number 2, haha.. kadang2 apelar sangat ada pada tarikh, tapi jangan jeles la, today is 'our' official date.. gedik tapi nak cakap gak yang LOVE IS IN THE AIR...  phewwit phewwit.. - tak ada apa yang nak dirisaukan lagi.. move on , challenge new thing and enjoy life!!

Mr. K & Ms. A NOVEMBER 11'2011

Thursday, 10 November 2011

biLa eMosi beRBaur

emosi satu..
sampai bila yer nak sorok...?
aku belum dapat kekuatan lagi nak cakap sebab ada benda yang 'dah diduga' berlaku
mula2 aku tak rasa sedih sangat, tapi tipular kalau takde..
ok, aku anggap takde rezeki, mungkin Allah nak bagi rezeki lain...
kuat.. aku kena kuat, usaha lebih lagi..

dan sebab tu juga aku rasa aku dah buat Mr. K tertunggu-tunggu..
i am so sorry but i cant help it
tapi orang cakap, 'lama2 pun orang akan tau jugak'..
so, sebab aku ni antara spesies yang 'ambil port' 5% orang cakap, mulalah gabra
aduh.. hai otak, tolonglah berfungsi sikit pagi2 buta ni..

nak pergi ke tak pergi?
nak tulis ke tak tulis?
nak letak ke tak letak?
nak confess ke tak confess?
ke nak kena lempang budak ni...?


emosi dua..
speaking of him...

i think he is quite unique person.. rasa macam berbeza 4 dimension.. haha.. apa yang 4 pun tak tau.. but then, he has his own world yang aku xpernah explore sebelum ni, kinda really new world for me and i see him inside it.. (bukan la macam alien but he is 'something'.. ) hehe.. he is a direct person but i am sure we will handle it in positive way.. he is much2 talkative than me!! haha.. serious.. n i just can smile or laugh towards what he says.. ;P i'm looking forward to know him more and more... ;P

then, apa lagi yang tak cukup? sedari dulu lagi, aku diajar untuk tidak mencari kesempurnaan kerana manusia diciptakan untuk saling melengkapi.. kesempurnaan bagiku adalah kepuasan diri di mata kita bukan orang lain...- just enjoy the life and balance it.. semoga Allah memberkati hidupku, kami, keluarga kami dan sekalian hamba-Nya.. amin...

credit: google image

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

thE sTaLker anD HiS LoVeR

orang zaman sekarang sangat pentingkan fesbuk, kalo boleh segala benda nak cakap, nak makan, nak mandi, nak tu, nak ni.. aku pun same gak kadang2 dua kali lima sepuluh jek. tapi dulu aa.. masa zaman jahiliah haha.. apetah lagi hal cinta-cintun sampai keluar lagu cintamukabuku.. (kinda 'just so-so' with this song, tak tau nape sebab dah dengar banyak kali cam ade sikit bosan kot..)

dulu, aku pernah buat entri pasal nak tayang ke tak or penting ke nak tayang status.. sekarang aku dalam dilema balik, haha.. padan muka aku, kena balik kat diri sendiri..,hmmm..  tak tayang kat fesbuk kau tayang kat blog?? tak same ke? haha.. jgn marah ekk.. bukan lar, lain.. bukan lar cerita sebijik a to z macam karangan diary tu.. ni kira ambik intipati jek..

eh eh sebenarnya nak tulis dalam keadaan jiwang tapi kenapa mode jadi macam kasual ni? malu ke? malu ke? haha.. aku rasa gila sikit hari ni..

cerita pasal mukabuku, sebenarnya aku masih lagi tak percaya yang aku dapat menikmati saat cinta pandang pertama... rasa macam bukan realiti je, aku ingat bende ni ada dalam spesies2 khayalan novel je.. rupanya wujud jugak.. ooo.. best ekk stalk saya selama ni?

oldskul kan? but i love it.. ;)) so, hari ni kami habiskan masa jalan2, borak2 dalam bas.. haha.. jeles tak? jeles tak? tak main la cintamukabuku, haha.. aku saje jadi oldskul, bosan la asek pakai mukabuku je kan.. ? bigor dia neh.. ;P betul ape, patutnya saat2 penting macam tu biarlah jadi privasi kan? betul tak ? betul tak?.. yeeerr.. bila menghabiskan masa macam tu, dia ada depan kita, dia cakap kita dengar, kita cakap dia dengar, boleh tengok mata dia bohong ke tak.. ;P rasa dia ikhlas ke tak, tanya apa yang kita nak tau, dengar apa yang dia nak confess... so sweet gitu.. kalo nak marah ke, nak tegur ke, depan2 terus direct kena.. lepas tu nak balik rumah masing2 rasa macam tak nak balik jek.. ;p

sepanjang perjalanan tadi, well (ok, aku dah start blushing)..  aku rasa muka aku cam muka kat atas ni je tadi.. malu***.. kelakar pun ada, tak percaya, kebetulan yang macam tak masuk akal tapi betul2 terjadi and giler.. ahhaa.. tapi kami masing2 serahkan pada Allah s.w.t. sebab benda pun dah jadi, aku tetap pegang prinsip aku yang just go with the flow, i don't have to stop or block or change or else because HE knows better...

to Mr. K, saya tau awak baik sebab maksud nama awak sendiri adalah baik, saya nakal tau.. ;P.. thanks sebab hargai saya walaupun saya tak ada apa2.. terimalah saya seadanya dan saya harap awak boleh bimbing saya ke jalan yang diredhai Allah... insya Allah... awak sweet giler... ;P

diA cakAp......

tadi, dia ada cakap sesuatu..

aku tak tau nak bagi reaksi macam mana... dia cakap benda tu...
seganlaaa... siyes segan ni... aku rasa kan, betul lar at the first point dia cakap pasal entry crush tu, dia saje tak nak ngaku.. buat aku malu je ni...

a twist of fate? giler laaahhhh.... tapi tak giler pun, urusan Allah semua ni...

Sunday, 6 November 2011

buNGa2 hAti

salam aidiladha semua.. while typing this post, hati terasa berbunga-bunga.. hehe.. macam gedik sikit bunyinya.. tapi, suke hati i lar... ;)

ok, nak cakap tu jek... ;)

credit love quotes: google image..

* saya takkan serik untuk jatuh cinta lagi... ;)