haiiiiiiiiiii!!! this is my scandal.. I have been two timer all these days..
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kang Gary |
haha upsss.. ni dah lebih nii.. takde lar.. anyway.. siapa yang tak minat korea k-pop, variety show, drama, films etc, I tak expect u guys tahu kewujudan RunningMan ni.. aku diperkenalkan kepada rancangan ni oleh classmates aku time degree dulu, (dari cik, sekarang dia dah puan dah) Azimah @ Ajim . . tengah2 bahang exam nak release tension, aku layanlah benda ni.. ternyata!! aku terus gian + melekat + addicted segala bagai tengok benda ni berulang2 kali berulang2 episod pun takpa!! memang kelakar gila wa cakap lu.. ada dengar jugak benda ni scripted, tu aku pun tak pasti, takpelar, janji dia mewarnai hidup aku dan peminat2 variety shows kira okay lar..
sebagai wartawan tak bertauliah (sambil mencedok gambar dari google) meh aku perkenalkan . . 7 hot men above are the original cast for this variety show called running man.. first air tak ingat lar.. korang google sendiri, tapi first air kat lappy aku area bulan April 2011.. hehe.. dah nak dekat setahun aku 'gaying' dengan show ni.. main mc jaesuk oppa, then, sparta jongkook, brain joongki, gwangvatar gwangsoo, big nose sukjin, pororo/player Haha and monday boyfriend/calm/peacefull/go straight gary.. hehe if not mistaken, ji hyo unni/ mong ji / ace song ji hyo aka monday girlfriend start join episod #3 .. .and lizzy after school join dalam beberapa episod then keluar sebab maybe tight schedule as idol kpop. . as well as brain joongki - due to drama schedule by the #41 ep..
# selingan monday-couple.. hehe
apasal aku highlight Kang gary ni sebab muka dia 'sesuatu'.. haha.. not very handsome,plain but if kena gaya, dia nampak berkarisma.. hehehe.. actually dia ni part of Lessang's duo.. rapper something lar.. (sorry tak ambil pot sangat).. so, dia kira increase his popularity thru this show.. dari awal lagi si jaesuk suka tease dia sebab dia macam too focus dalam segala apa yg dia buat.. cam comel jek, lepas tu, dia la sungguh2 nak the only flower si mong ji hyo yg cantik tu even dia tak berapa ensem.. hehe.. (HAHA or ha dong hoon *HAHA memang nick dia, so bukan aku saje ketawa hahaha tau).. selalu cakap gary ugly.. suka2 ati dia jer.. keh keh.. tapi gary ni sangat innocent bagi aku, cam malu2 gitu.. ;P
time awal2 diorang shoot/record, cast yang lain mesti dapat perhatian local, like orang bersalam2, ambil gambar, tapi muka Gary ni boley buat dia jadi 'ordinary' or neighborhood person,, kelakar gila.. dia pun cakap lepas diorang shoot kat Thailand baru la 'I feel like I am a celebrity!;.. haha ngek gila..
other characteristics of him are 'wild' gary - if diorang record 2,3 hari, bila ada hotel mission or morning mission, dia tidur without shirt and short.. haha.. selalu nye his 'hyungs' akan check dulu, kalau tak, naya!!.. and then, 'go straight' gary - ade 1 episod ni, dia lari laju, tapi sebab kepala dia straight jer, dia tak nampak flag yang diorang kena pick up sebelah tepi dia.. ahha.. and dia selalu miss benda2 sekeliling dia sebab ke'fokus'an dia.. ahaha.. selalu giler terbabas.. lain2 arr... dia susah nak bangun pagi if tiada yang kejut, hehehe, pernah lewat buat mission dekat 2 jam sebab cast lain selamba jek tak kejut dia kat bilik hotel.. ahha.. poor gary..
monday couple - sangat-sangat comel okay!! macam real jer even benda2 ni scripted . . and the gf pun dah officially having a relationship with sum1 else in real life. . . tapi takpe, for this show, everyone act pro.. ;) . .the lovelines make me ketawa bguling2.. he plays his role very well! despite of being tease with the other hyungs, he still being loved with his monday gf.. song ji hyo.. hehe.. kenapa monday? sebab after 12 am jer, this couple will disband/seperate ahaha.. and gary hate 12 am like cinderella.. ;PPPPP bila diorang recording hari selain selasa je, si ji hyo akan buat tak tau because it's not monday.. tapi janganlah kacau gary hari monday.. haha.. SWEET gila...
jangan tak tau, di sebalik ke'innocent' dia, dia menang ultimate running man twice!! for the first time, dia mintak hadiah jongkook sebab dia ingat dia boleh pakai jongkook time games, tapi for second chance, dia mintak tour Europe and he managed to get it!! haha.. best gilerr!!
adoilaa, terbuai2, terleka aku tengok running man ni.. up till today, I already watch till bigbang eps.. #84, 85 if not mistaken.. #83 miss kejap sebab my sister can download it using her *un1fi!!! laju gila unlimited.. so, nanti tengok jer lar.. kill the time.. ;) weeee!! so, truthfully, I've watched ALL the episodes without miss one of it.. and still watch it till I don't know when...
Gary oppa.. gelly gelly.. hmm.. apart of it, actually I find out that he resembles my ex bf . . haha.. just a coincidence kot.. I mean dengan kepala *almost botak and bulat dia tu.. and his innocence / plain.. hehe.. just my opinion*.. adelar sikit... hehe.. boleh pulak gitu kan...
so, as a fan, I hope this show will be recorded in Malaysiaa!!! heard the rumors they will come here in April.. but no confirmation yet.. ;( oh, collar pd please make this comes true!.. I'll welcome all!! hehe..
good nite Gary oppa.. ;) lol lol ! lol lol!
credit pics google image
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kang gary :p
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