Sunday, 22 April 2012

nEw woRkpLace

It has been two weeks since I started my new job.  So far, it was okay, I’ve been treated like trainee, hehe.. Instruction, order etc.. I went through just like usual.  Slowly try to adapt with the new environment.  The workplace is not that big, but I just love it because I’m used to be a lone ranger.. Still have some co-workers to chit-chat with but they sometimes are not around for outstation.  haha.. Well, I really enjoy being alone because I can do whatever I want, using my own time, doing this and that.   It’s a freedom!..  Err…, my table is just next to the BIG BOSS’s!

This one basically practices multitasking work, even the founder/big boss himself typing the letters and later, I’ll take over that work.  He said he will teach me everything about construction field and I also need to learn autocad – something new for me as business studies/management student.  Well, if they can be advantages for me, I’m willing to learn whatever.  

I don’t know if it worth to compare, but still yeah, I know everybody still keep blaming me on my past decision of quitting and really nobody know  what I feel inside or what I went through.  Oh, they say I’m lucky for easily getting job, reject job, job hopping blablabla whereas there are many graduates still struggle for jobs.  I admit, and syukran, Alhamdulillah for not waiting too long to get another job after quitting.  And now I really want to open new book, work well for barakah and plan for my career development as well as balancing my lifestyle.  

As there are many pros and cons, I’ll just keep it for me as it’s me myself that going through the path.  Others will not understand, they just can talk like parrot.  

As for now, I have my own ‘driver’ to take me to Mount Kiara, all I have to do is waiting for him.  I pay him RM4 (two ways) every working day.  But before that, I have to walk bout 10 to 15 minutes (as my legs are short!) to the bus top. Hehe.  The second option is taking the train and also the bus, but, if I can save some ringgit by walking compared to taking the train + walking (about the same distance) to the port, I just walking to the bus stop straight.  And it’s good for our health too!.. (yeah, I cannot afford to buy car for the time being.. ).. just wait!.. haha 

There are no ‘unnecessary meeting’, no dress code, no ridiculous rules, flexible and discipline – I really enjoying these for the moment and just focus on the work done.  Fighting pqa! heart you!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

sNsD @ mALaySia!

Hello there... nak update dari akhir bulan lepas, tapi maaalaaasss sangat.. sat g aku rangkumkan semua kat bawah ni hehe.. (bajet jadual artis.. hahaha.. ) so and so lar . . cuma banyak sangat hal berlaku sebulan ni.

16 March 2012
Setelah berhibernasi di teratak bonda dekat 2 bulan (feel like being grounded pun ade jugak!) I made an excuse to come to Kl for Lin's Wedding, at the same time lepaking dengan ajin and faramy, dan konon2 jugak buat surprise untuk si dia.  pang pung pang pung, ingat nak balik kota jugak dalam Selasa ke Rabu ke, tiba-tiba... tettt!!

21 March 2012
As the decision made were good for both of us so, we officially called it ends.. clean and smooth . . thanks..

20-23 March 2012




THE ONLY MINE.. hehehe (kuku gua tu)
SNSD datang Malaysia!! free concert sempena Petronas Grand Prix.. tapi, ticket holder boleh masuk dulu, so we decided to buy the Petronas Merchandise for RM150 worth for 2 tickets.. secara tak rasminya, aku selaku penganggur terhormat ketika itu tolong queue up and beli jerk payung worth RM70 sebab nak beli untuk 8 orang - kasi senang kira.. hehe.. kira RM75 tuk premium zone, Ajin beli RM 250 tuk golden zone, gila kan?.. hehe..  gambar2 dia atas adalah ehsan Ajin dan kak Tasha plus google image, want more?? google jer lah.. aku?? no pics because i just want to enjoy the moment and sing with them.. gambar2 masuk kepala otak jek.. hahaha.. seriously, diorang sangat cantik!!! best dapat tengok live tuk RM75.. daebak!!! .. ok, ini extra, credit to Ajin for her notes bout this... click here (AJIN)

26 March 2012
After a day I reached home, i got several phone interviews, and then another call ask me to come for the interview, tapi BARU je sampai rumah! haha.. then, i just put the date - 3rd april (datang KL lagi!) thanks daud for the recommendation!

3 April 2012
Plaza Mont Kiara -  very unfamiliar place  -  but still manage to get there.. and Alhamdulillah, I passed the interview

9 April 2012
4 april - balik lagi kota (kota -kl mana ada jauh? 'tangan ke bahu') ahaha.. then, officially start my first day working.. construction company - ok lar.. just kene jalan jauh sikit tuk kejar bas.. tunggular berapa bulan lagi nak keluarkan baby.. probably next year kot.. sebab number plat kegemaran tak keluar lagi.. hahaha

11 April 2012
and.. it's today! cuti .. hehe.. kl hujan sekarang.. ;P tengok tb untuk istiadat rasmi pertabalan YDPA

^nak higlight SNSD jer.. tapi.. belasah jer la pun yang lelain tu^

*hmmm... kehidupan yang penuh warna warni .. walau apapun aku bersyukur dan cuba untuk menjadi lebih kuat lagi dengan restu dan doa ibu bapa dan semua... semoga Allah s.w.t memberkati dan melindungi hamba-hamba - Nya.. amin